Thursday, September 26, 2019

Computer Crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Computer Crime - Essay Example They apply different techniques of payment like credit card, e-cheques, and shopper's card. Smart-cards and e-wallets are few techniques to protect customer's information and convenient and safe for transactions and processing of data. Privacy has also grown in stature similar to security concerns to keep the personal information of customer intact. Technology and outsourcing model of business has taken the pressure off from the management team to some extent. Encryption, VPN, Firewall, SSL and precautionary measure from customer is essential in keeping the security system in control (Ghosh, 2001). Customer follows the three mandatory steps for processing the transactions. He enters the details of credit card to the e-merchant or payment gateway that passes through secure socket layer (SSL) of server and digital certificate of online service provider. Once validation in the initial layers of security check is complete, details provided by customer is processed by associated bank that handles the complex security information collected in the payment gateway. This collects the details of order and customer through e-business associate to finally approve the transaction. Authentication is first step in privacy matters that can ensure that right pers

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