Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Global Warming Hoax free essay sample

Global Warming: The Hoax of the 21st Century I Buena Vista University I Bridget M. Broodier I Abstract This essay takes a closer look into what Global Warming really consists of, or if it even exists at all. It will uncover proven scientific research that shows the truths behind the politics, provide data of the actual recorded climate changes, and explain why the Going Green policies are Just a scam to make additional money off consumers as well as a scare tactic for the government to gain control. Global Warming Hoax The Darwinism symbol http://housewarmings. Wordless. Com/2010/04/05/the-meaning-of-the-Christian- Since the beginning of time, the human population has been quick to realize that scare tactics are effective at making sure control is accomplished. One of the very first, or most famous, hoax stories belonged to the Roman Empire. They worried that the poor would start to rise against and even possibly conquer the Empire so they started to teach redemption. They taught the citizens that if they worked hard and stayed loyal to their residing government, then they would be sent to a wonderful and peaceful after life, but if they turned against them, then they would be sent to a eerie pit to rot for eternity. More recently, the hoax of the twentieth century was the idea of evolution, known as Darwinism, by Charles Darwin. Darwin not only brought up an exotic idea but also had scientific proof to back up his theories. Why did these hoax stories work? Because they brought up the exact things that people did not want to discuss, it stirred things up to say the least. What do these two hoax stories have in common? There actually is a lot in common with both of these stories, but the main element is that they come very close to contradicting each other. The first story remises an eternal prosperous life as long as there is a lifetime dedicated to loyalty to their government. The second story swears that humans evolved from the nature around us. The connection: religion versus government. H. L. Mencken said The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. (Buchanan, 2010). Global warming is the biggest hoax of the 21st century. One tot the strongest sales points tot the global warming hoax is that the human race s making the world temperatures rise, which will have a domino effect ultimately resulting in the end of the world, unless we do something about it. One point that never is mentioned in the Going Green Campaigns is the fact that in the last 1. 6 million years there have been 63 alternations between warm and cold climates, and no indication that any of them were caused by changes in carbon dioxide levels (Contorts, 2010). Figure 2: The beneficial element of carbon dioxide in the oxygen cycle. Http://water. Me. Vics. Dude/concepts/kilocycle. HTML The major cause for this global warming that is negative has been blamed on carbon dioxide (CA). According to Harvard astrophysicist Sallies Balsas, the added CA in the atmosphere may actually benefit the world because more CA helps plants grow (Stolen 2007). This is a very beneficial statement added to the debate, mainly because the Green advocates want to a im their green tactics at eliminating carbon dioxide, but without carbon dioxide in the world nothing could be green. See figure two that shows how carbon dioxide is a beneficial element of the oxygen cycle on earth. Over the preceding million years, climate and carbon dioxide levels have ranged, but even at much higher CA levels than todays, life still has flourished Could, 2012). Also, another significant negative factor said to cause this major climate change are greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases, dictionary definition, are gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect by absorbing infrared radiation. They include carbon dioxide (CA), methane (CHI), nitrous oxide (NON), and water vapor. Other than carbon dioxide, the other gases are almost never mentioned. However, water vapor is a strong greenhouse gas and accounts for at least ninety-five percent of any greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide accounts for about three percent, and the engaging two percent is a combination of methane and nitrous oxide. However, for having such a huge part of the cause to this problem, water vapor is hardly acknowledged; instead the focus stays on carbon dioxide because it can be considered attributed to human activities. Figure 3 http://www. Americanization. Com/2011107/ the_global_warming_hoax_how_soon_we_forget. HTML In addition, another factor of the global warming viewpoint states that the temperatures are steadily rising. According to William Heaper, Princeton physics professor, global temperatures have increased by around four-fifths of one degree Celsius since the Little Ice Age of the early 1800. Some of that warming has probably come from increased amounts of CA, but the timing o f the warming much of it before CA levels had increased appreciably suggests that a substantial fraction of the warming is from natural causes that have nothing to do with mankind (Could, 2012). The main focus of blaming human activities for the varying temperatures has been proven to be false numerous times, yet no one ever brings up the research studies that have shown how the climates have changed and varied over the past few entities, as a part of nature not because of human activities. Prior to what is known as the Little Ice Age, which lasted from approximately the early asses through the mid asses, there was a period now called the Medieval Warm Period from 900-1300 A. D. This period has been suggested to comparable with the warming in the twenty- first century according to a 2 study (Swenson, 2 See Figure three that snows the past ten thousand years climate change. Figure 4: Normal melting from a Antarctica glacier, as you can also see the different layers in the glacier from prior letting refreezing. Http://news. Softwoods. Com/newswoman/Most-Glaciers-Len- The-World-Melting-2. Jpg/ Human activities have also been blamed for causing the ice caps of Antarctica to start melting. The fact behind this is that the glaciers are still covering the continent, contrary to what some have said. Glaciers have been receding and growing regularly for hundreds of years. The most recent glacier melting has been noted as a consequence of coming out of the Little Ice Age in the mid asses. Scientists know of at least thirty-three periods of glaciers growing and retreating; its armor (Swenson, 2011). This has been shown by the different layers that make up a glacier; each layer has been from the melting and refreezing stages. See figure four that shows the actual melting process along with the side of the glacier that displays the different layers it consists of from various melting and refreezing eras. While we hear endless arguments over the Arctic ice cap, we hear very little about a 2009 British Antarctica Survey that the sea ice cap has been expanding by one-hundred- thousand square kilometers (62,138 miles roughly) a decade for the last thirty years. This translates into about thirty-eight hundred miles of new ice every year (Buchanan, 2010). Figure 5: Political cartoon of Green politics. Http://Junior. Bloodspot. Com/2012/06/mandating-theoretical-hypothetical. HTML This also points out a very valid question: can we trust the statistics we hear on television? Now, well trying not to sound like a conspiracy theory, facts have to be presented. These facts include skewed statistics and scientists. According to Texas Governor Rick Perry There are a substantial number of scientists who have manipulated data so they would have dollars rolling into their projects (Miller, 2011). This is a great objection to validate, especially since scientific grants and funding are based on an as needed basis, so if there is no need or at least a minute chance of being seen necessary then there will not be money delegated to it. So, in order to research this Global Warming project further in-depth, and to have the funding to make that possible, scientists know they must make it an alarming issue. Instead of basing the research on existing facts that the earth has climate changing cycles or that nature is the main cause of the issues at hand, they can blame it on human activities to start a trickle-down effect. Why does the public not ever get to hear this information? Dry. Sallies Bilingual said it perfectly, Its the money! Twenty-five billion dollars in government funding has been spent since 1990 to research global warming. If scientists and researchers were coming out releasing reports that global warming has little to do with man and most to do with Just how the planet works, there wouldnt be as much money to study it (Stolen, 2007). The scientific alternatives that have been approved and distributed to the public as green products also bring up a point to challenge. The most debatable product on the environmentally friendly production line is the compact florescent light bulb. These products specifically are costly and contain a significant hazardous potential as it contains mercury. This meaner consumers must take extra steps to maintain their own personal health and safety. One step in this process is ensuring consumers have correct knowledge tot now to dispose tot the bulbs when they do burn out or what steps to take if a bulb was to break around them. This is knowledge that every consumer may not have access to, therefore creating a hazard to the general populace. The Green movement has had several political benefits as well. While there have been many political debates over the global changes, many campaigns have been based on being environmentally friendly. The chances of these programs being taken to congress after election are few and far between, but the potential cost to the country of implementing each program is way beyond the billions if not trillions of dollars, but that is the fine print that no one reads as they vote (Miller, 2011). Congressional debates over these programs constantly exist, therefore writing a program into law seldom happens. While each candidate vows to be conscious of the surrounding environment, each program that gets released normally consists of some damage to the environment or, even worse, has harmful effects to the population. These are the items that are never mentioned. Http://American. Com/ archive/2008/November-11-08/why-biomasss-greener-Jojobas-plan-wont- work/ In 2011, for instance, President Barack Obama was fighting the sky rocketing unemployment rates in the United States. As an attempt to stick to the green agenda and tackle unemployment rates he launched a plan targeted to create Green Jobs. This involved creating more energy efficient production, environmental specialists, as well as tree and landscaping opportunities and much more that would require labor, therefore fulfilling a sizeable portion of the unemployed. The main issue of this was that there were not enough funds to delegate to projects that were seen as unnecessary. This created such a disruption and large debate among congress that most agreed that the foundation of Beams Green Jobs approach to the unemployment issue, since the very concept of Green Jobs is Just as bogus as the idea of a carbon footprint (Swenson, 2011). On the other end of the spectrum there are several political faces that are willing to stand up and say no to the Global Warming bandwagon. For example Senator James Invoke, the ranking member on the Senate Environmental and Public Works Committee, has spent the last eight years battling over climate change and predications of catastrophic events due to global warming are a hoax (Frill, 2010). This signifies a positive change in the political aspect, however it takes more than one person to make a change. In addition to the causes and effects of global climate changes, there is yet another section that largely gets brought up for debate: world population. Proponents of global warming warn that the global population is growing so rapidly that it soon will become unstable, which in turn will help lead to climate increases and ultimately the end of the world. Rest assured that that will not be happening anytime soon. According to Hanna Kiloton, Director of the Nuns Population Division, world population is on a path towards non-explosion. Woman on average are having far fewer children and high fertility rates only affect sixteen percent of the [global] population (Harvey, 2011). Http://teaching-]iambi. Bloodspot. Com/ Knowledge is the key to take precautions steps to prevent over populating the world Knowledge is power. This has been the main goal for the past few decades with gradual success. More women are gaining their independence and ability to make family planning choices. According to the United Nations, an increase in family planning meaner the worlds population is predicted to level off at around 9. Billion during the middle of this century, before beginning to decline (Harvey, 2011). With worldwide education on family planning, as well as growing availability of health are, population can soon be stabilized and has no chance of threatening our world. As of the end of October 2011, the global population is estimated to have reached seven billion people. On a global scale, every ten seconds, forty-four people are born (Harvey, 2011). At first glance that seems unbelievable, astonishing, or maybe even unreal. As Americans it is difficult for anything to go beyond our view of the norm or what we are taught as the American Dream consisting of a normal eight to five Job, single family home with the white-picket fence, married couple with precisely two hillier (one boy, one girl). It is challenging to imagine that anything close to a family of twenty could be normal to a family found in Africa or even something as exotic as women not having a choice in family planning yet alone birth control methods; simply put, they hardly even have knowledge of these bizarre issues. Now after learning about the global birth rates, which is the only thing the global warming advocates will publish, take into consideration the global mortality rates. To make the mortality rate easier to understand or have on the same scale as the birth ate, globally every ten seconds, roughly eighteen people die (Marshall, 2007). To simplify theses statistics or to make them easier to understand see the chart below. This shows that our population is not necessarily headed for self-destruction, in fact looking at the difference in birth and death rates, it keeps a positive balance. The ice caps of Antarctica have a long history of melting and refreezing, they are Just going through a mild melting phase, but still have new area freezing daily. The desired demise of carbon dioxide is an oxymoron, as it is a vital aspect of the oxygen cycle that actually keeps the world stay green, not destroying life. The Green Movement is great way for consumers to save some money on their energy bills, but there is certainly not a promise tot the world coming to an end it you do not buy enough energy efficient light bulbs or a Pries. In conclusion, real science has proven Global Warming to be the hoax of the twenty-first century. On a global level, there does need to be changes made, but these changes will improve the quality of life as a whole, not save our world from a political scare epidemic. History has proven the real facts behind the existing changes in our world, as well as the history of political hoax stories. No matter what year it is, there will always be a story that can change someones mind enough to rebel and that is how scare tactics began, to regain control. This essay serves as a way to show more than Just the skewed facts and statistics that are out there being published by greedy scientists. A final goal is to make readers more aware of the information that are fed to them, and in hopes to remind everyone to question what they hear before setting it as fact. In the end, as Paul Harvey always said: and now you know the rest of the story (Could, 2012).

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